Venta de productos para practicar surf


Goya One 2008

The 2008 Goya One is one board for all. All sailors, all conditions. That is why Goya call it that way and hawaiian really likes the idea of taking just one board to the beach that will perform at its best whatever wind and surf you find.

This board is shorter and wider than Goya radical wave board. It is more stable and forgiving when you stand and trick on it, which is achieved by distributing the volume more equally to the rails. It combines the most positive and progressive ideas into a balanced and compact design that translates into earlier planning and a powerful controllable ride. Range will stay the same in 2008 with 3 boards, One 77, 85 and 95 liters…

Goya Custom 2008

The 2008 Goya Custom Wave Series is not called Custom for no reason. Francisco Goya will take his favorite board at the end of the year and send it to Thailand to have the molds made from that very board. The production offspring is then constructed using specific lay-up and finish. This means the best board literally gets better by going thru the perfect manufacturing. So we’re not just calling it that – you are getting a custom board.

The 68 and 75 liter models feel weightless and powerful under your feet when winds get strong. They supply full control in overpowered conditions. The 81 and 90 are ideal for medium to light-wind conditions, and they are also great for the heavier rider who is looking for a hardcore wave board to ride in strong winds.

Goya Custom Wave Series 75 ’07

The new Goya Custom Wave Series boards are shorter, not wider, with even better performance from our previous WAVE line in full on frontside conditions and through the reduced length they’ve got easier to ride on the smaller waves and in side-on or on-shore conditions where the turns get tighter.

The 68 and 75 perform well anywhere the winds are strong, including lakes and spots with side-shore and on-shore winds. I especially recommend these sizes for intermediate to advanced sailors who will be riding in medium to strong winds.

The 81 and 90 are ideal for side-shore medium to light-wind conditions, and they are also great for the advanced, heavier rider who is looking for a hard-core wave board to ride in strong winds no matter what direction the wind is blowing.

Goya One Series 95 ’07

The original idea of this design was to create an evolution from my previous FreeWave line. The development got really exciting taking over a year of prototypes and at the end it delivered a lot more than what I expected. I knew that one day eventually, the design evolution would allow us to ride one waveboard for all conditions and styles, I just didn’t know this was it’s time.

With these new shapes, I was able to combine all the positive features from my previous FreestyleWave designs into one.

The ONE Aqua Series is a balanced and compact design that translates into earlier planning and a powerful controllable ride in all wind angles and seas conditions. My team riders are using these lines the most, as the added range allows them to get the most out of their sessions. For me personally, they are one of my favorite boards to ride, as I’d always rather be on a wave board but sometimes the conditions are not fully there.


Quatro Wave 2008

The 2008 Quatro Wave boards are has been greatly influenced by what Quatro team of pro riders defines as the new standard in wavesailing. Short lengths and more volume ask for the maximum of shape efficiency. Rockers, Outlines and Flow of these boards have thus been brought to a new level of perfection.

What this translates into for you on the water is quicker turning and a more lively feel on the waves, or as Keith Teboul puts it "the fresh balance between a drivey enough board and a turny enough board. Our wave boards are real wave bo