Top Fly y A-Tech Consulting han sido seleccionados para reclutar pilotos españoles con destino a la compañía china Shenzhen Airlines, ante el elevado crecimiento de esta aerolíneaTop Fly y A-Tech Consulting han firmado un acuerdo con Shenzhen Airlines mediante el que se les autoriza para la convocatoria de las pertinentes pruebas de selección preliminar, que dará a un buen número de pilotos españoles la posibilidad de ejercer profesionalmente en esta importante compañía aérea china.
Minimum Requirements
- 500+ hours PIC on type
- Current on type within 12 months
- 3000+ hours total time
- Valid/current ATPL issued from a country that has diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China
- Valid passport issued by a country that has diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China
- Valid/current Class A (First Class) Medical
- No history of incidents or accidents. Must provide a letter from your current/previous employer.
- ICAO Level 4 (or equivalent) English proficiency
- No criminal history. Must provide a notarized and authenticated proof of no criminal history document from your home country government AND the government of the country you reside (if applicable)
- No limitations on type rating
- Candidates no older than age 53
Domicile: Any Shenzhen Airlines’ operating Base, China.
Compensation: Approximately $140,000USD/year (net).
Contract Term: 3 years initial.
Salary and Benefits
- Salary: $11,750USD/month (net)
- Training completion bonus: $5,000USD
• 34 day of paid personal leave per year
• 8 Hard Days off/month
• Completion Bonus: 1st year: USD$6,000, 2nd year: USD$8,000, 3rd year: USD$10,000
- Salary paid offshore. Expat tax benefits may apply.
- Local China health insurance provided by Shenzhen Airlines for the pilot
Minimum Requirements
- 500+ hours PIC on type
- Current on type within 12 months
- 3000+ hours total time
- Valid/current ATPL issued from a country that has diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China
- Valid passport issued by a country that has diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China
- Valid/current Class A (First Class) Medical
- No history of incidents or accidents. Must provide a letter from your current/previous employer
- ICAO Level 4 (or equivalent) English proficiency
- No criminal history. Must provide a notarized and authenticated proof of no criminal history document from your home country government AND the government of the country you reside (if applicable)
- No limitations on ATP and/or type rating
- Candidates no older than age 53
Domicile: Any Shenzhen Airlines’ operating Base, China.
Compensation: Approximately $140,000USD/year (net).
Contract Term: 3 years initial.
- Salary: $11,750USD/month (net)
- Training completion bonus $5,000USD
- 34 day of paid personal leave per year
- 8 Hard Days off/month
- Completion Bonus: 1st year: USD$6,000, 2nd year: USD$8,000, 3rd year: USD$10,000
- Salary paid offshore. Expat tax benefits may apply
- Local China health insurance provided by Shenzhen Airlines for the pilot
- Dirigir a la dirección de correo la siguiente información (sólo pilotos que cumplan los requisitos mínimos):
– CV del piloto
– Fotocopia licencia de vuelo con las habilitaciones correspondientes en vigor
– Fotocopia Certificado Médico en vigor
– Certificados de horas de vuelo de las compañías en las que haya trabajado. En caso de no disponer de todos, certificado de la última compañía en la que el piloto ha prestado servicios.
– Fotocopia de la última página del loog-book
– Fotocopia de la certificación del ICAO 4
- Todos los pilotos que no cumplan los requisitos mínimos serán automáticamente rechazados.
- El plazo de presentación de documentaciones finalizará el 31 de diciembre
- En un plazo de 30 días desde la presentación de la documentación y una vez comprobada, se comunicará al piloto la aceptación en el proceso para la aportación de la documentación restante