Londres suspende a los pilotos extranjeros por su inglés
La autoridad aérea británica advierte de que el escaso nivel puede suponer un peligro para los vuelos
Inglés Aeronáutico
Is actual A320 training properly focused?
Airbus 320 aircraft mix computing with glass cockpit. It looks that Type Rating course are more focused on how to manage the technology than to teach aircraft flying.
Inglés Aeronáutico
OACI Language Proficiency Requirements: A False Alarm??
Many member state countries have been applying this ruling for several years but in the case of spain, as usual, there has been the habitual resistance by both authorities and aeronautical workforce.
Inglés Aeronáutico
Fly For Food vs. Pay To Fly
I remember back some years ago in 1992, when a financial crisis was hitting the world similar to todays current one and banks were foreclosing on airlines.
Inglés Aeronáutico